Une Petite Biographie
Stevie Rauls, founder and headmaster of CHLOU, has designed a lifestyle brand forged in personal experience and rebellion. A “flower child”, as her father endearingly calls her, curiosity and an insatiable hunger for self-actualization has been her driving force through an ever-changing life.
Her career is a compilation reel of service industry bloopers, spanning far and wide, featuring hilarious interactions with a diverse range of individuals and outtakes of her dumbfounded face as she bears witness to the outrageous behavior of the public.
Briefly taking pause from the grueling work of serving (insert giggle), Stevie rapidly acquired a Degree in Crime Scene Investigation and a Certification in Police Administration, proving to herself that she could, in fact, rack up student loan debt like the best of them.
A visionary, she has always expressed herself artistically through interior design and spattering paint on canvas calling it art. She also finds joy in drawing thought provoking, ironic imagery and physically exerting her body. Internal peace does not exist naturally within Stevie. She dedicates most of her free time to meditation and doing whatever she wants. Typically, that is any entertaining act that can be performed while holding a wine glass.
Wallace Wannabe: "My grandfather, Wallace Johnson, was an artist and all-around world class man. He always has been and continues to be my inspiration." -Stevie